Common issues
If run into problems with our application, then most likely your issue is described here.
Last updated
If run into problems with our application, then most likely your issue is described here.
Last updated
Make sure you are running the latest version of our resource. If your resource is outdated, it might have issues that have already been solved in later updates.
The latest version is v2.0.3 (you can check your version in rahe-racing/fxmanifest.lua).
Make sure that there are no errors when the resource starts up.
Type the following command to your server console:
ensure rahe-racing
There shouldn't be any errors after this command.
Make sure that you have installed both of the required dependencies - ox_lib and oxmysql. In addition to that, please verify that you have installed them correctly (you have downloaded the built versions as is instructed, not the source code versions).
Type the following commands to your server console:
ensure oxmysql
ensure ox_lib
There shouldn't be any errors after these commands. If there are, you have incorrectly installed the dependencies or you haven't started them. Go back to our installation guide which will tell you exactly what to download and where to download it from.
syntax error near '<\1>'
You have uploaded the resource files to your server using Filezilla, which has a tendency to corrupt encrypted files. When the files are corrupted, the resource can't function correctly.
Please re-upload the files using a better FTP client such as WinSCP.
Column 'player_identifier' cannot be null
when opening the tabletYou are most likely using the standalone version of our resource. The standalone version of our resource uses Steam as the primary player identifier. If you are getting this error, then it means FiveM is unable to get the player identifier (getPlayerIdentifier function in public/framework/server.lua). This can happen because of two reasons:
1) Your Steam was not open before you launched FiveM.
2) You haven't configured your server to use Steam. You must set the steam_webApiKey variable in your server config.
We try to get the vehicle model names using two methods.
Firstly, we try to get the name from a FiveM native (which takes it from your vehicle meta file):
If your vehicle meta files are not set up correctly, then this native will not work. If you want to fix this, make sure you have added a text entry ( for your custom vehicles and that their gameName
and modelName
match in the meta file.
If that native didn't work, the system will then try to get the vehicle name from the resource config. So if your vehicle name ends up being UNDEFINED, it means both of the methods have failed.
This issue is covered in the installation section. Please re-read the track import section there.
Most likely, some other resource of yours is using the keybinds, blocking our resource from using them. Please try changing the non-working track creation keybinds to some other keys in the resource config.