Common questions
Commonly asked questions from our customers. Feel free to read these to get a better overview.
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Commonly asked questions from our customers. Feel free to read these to get a better overview.
Last updated
Yes, the tablet can be opened from any script by triggering the necessary client-side event, which can be found in rahe-racing/public/client.lua. This means it can also be opened by an inventory script. If you are unsure how to do this, please take a look at our racing integration section.
Our resource uses the locale module from ox_lib.
All the locales are stored in the rahe-racing/locales folder. In order to specify a language, you must add a convar to your server config (before our resource starts) as instructed in ox_lib's setup section:
So if you for example want to use Spanish, and set the convar to es, then our resource will automatically try to load the rahe-racing/locales/es.json file. If you don't set any convar, then the default language will be English (en) and the loaded file will therefore be racing/locales/en.json.
It's sorted by player ELO, which is not given in normal races. When two people have the same rating, the sorting is random. More about types and competitions in our race types section.
Phasing and its available options are all explained in our config at rahe-racing/public/config/server.lua.
If you are getting the following error notification in your tablet when trying to create a competition:
Competition can't be created. Track '%s' has no '%s' class results (to calculate the DNF timer).
Competitions have dynamic DNF timers. This means when the track is short, the DNF timer (time you have to finish after the winner) is short too, for example 3 minutes.
If the track is long, then the DNF timer will also be longer, for example 10 minutes. In order for the system to calculate how long the DNF timer should be (3 minutes or 10 minutes), it needs to know how long the track is.
In order for the system to know how long the track is, it will look at the past results on the track. Meaning that in order to start an S class competition on a track, you must have at least one S class result on that track (normal race). Drive through that track once with the class in a normal race.
Vehicles are classed by their performance, we have predefined most of the vanilla GTA cars for you. For custom cars, you must assign a vehicle class to them manually in the table at rahe-racing/public/server.lua.
Manual class assigning is the best way to ensure fair vehicle classes. If you tried to do it automatically, based on vehicle values (or something else), then it isn't 100% accurate as the vehicle model often affects performance.
All the vehicles and their classes can be found in rahe-racing/public/server.lua.
Restricting competition & track creation is explained in our config at rahe-racing/public/config/server.lua.